Lycée Ambroise Paré

Lycée Enseignement Général Et Technologique – Laval

Pays de la Loire
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Languages Space

Developing a European citizenship and identity, for better educational and professional opportunities.

Languages Offered

“One language sets you in a corridor for life, while two languages open every door along the way.”

Frank Smith

Flexible Language Choices

The Lycée hosts a vast choice of languages for all students and pupils, in secondary or higher education. With six languages, twenty teachers dedicated to multicultural and linguistic education, and school-wide projects, languages represent an important part of the education provided here.
The Language Classes
In secondary education, whether general or technological, it is compulsory to choose two languages. For higher education, a second language (only Spanish) is strongly recommended as it strengthens linguistic skills and opens up opportunities.
– LVA: Modern Foreign Language A – English, Spanish
– LVB: Modern Foreign Language B – German, English, Spanish, Italian

The Technological Education in Modern Foreign Languages (ETLV) invites increased language learning through teaching subjects such as management in English, with a teacher of English and a teacher of management in the classroom. This language education is compulsory in the first and final academic years for technology students.

The Optional Language Classes
It is possible to become further culturally and linguistically enriched with either a third language or a different linguistic option.
– LVC: Modern Foreign Languages C – Chinese, Italian
– LCA: Ancient Languages and Cultures, Latin and Greek
– Bachibac: French-Spanish binational baccalaureate
– European English Class (with maths in English)
– European Spanish Class (with history-geography in Spanish)
Specialisation Classes
LLCE: Foreign Languages, Literatures and Civilisations
For students in the first and final years of the general baccalaureate, this specialisation enables improvement in English or Spanish. As well as the language aspect, there are cultural and foreign literature dimensions in the program, which leads to B2/C1 level of the CEFR. The choice of an LLCE specialisation is compatible with another option, with the exception of Spanish LLCE and the Bachibac.
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
This is a Europe-wide foundation for language learning and teaching, the basis for the design of the language programs. It is composed of three general levels (A for basic user, B for independent user and C for experienced user), and it breaks down into six specific levels.
A1 for the basic discovery level and A2 for the intermediate elementary level.
B1 for the threshold level and B2 for the advanced level.
C1 for the autonomous level and C2 for the proficient level.
What is available to you
For general and technological second year students: LVA + LVB.
Optional: LCA (Latin / Greek) or LVC (Chinese / Italian).
For first and final year general baccalaureate students: LVA + LVB. LLCE specialisation in English or Spanish is also possible.
Optional: LCA (Latin / Greek) or LVC (Chinese / Italian) or European Class (English / Spanish) or the Bachibac (French-Spanish binational baccalaureate).
For first and final year technological baccalaureate students: LVA + LVB and ETLV.
Higher education: LVA English and LVB Spanish.

The ERASMUS+ Dimension

ERASMUS+, the projects in infographics
Who is it for?

“The real journey is not the one of our dreams. The real journey satisfies our curiosities and puts an end to our illusions.”
Nacira Boukli-Hacene, The Voyage

ERASMUS+, the committee in infographics

The projects… but how?

Participate in an ERASMUS+ project to strengthen your skills, meet and exchange experiences with citizens around Europe. The Office of European Projects is here to support you and help you build your mobility project.

Are you an international student looking to study here?

Course Catalogue


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